Our new app for underwriting agencies
Downloadable Documents
Your wordings and proposals available to view and forward via email. Categorised by wordings, proposals and other sections as required.
Product Information
Up-to-date product information for brokers to access.
About Us
For general details on your agency and your appetite.
Directory of Underwriters
Underwriters tagged to a product so brokers can search for the best underwriter to contact based on product class. Each underwriters screen includes name, title, phone numbers, office details with a Google Map, address information, and optional Twitter and LinkedIn profile links.
News and information distributed to brokers via the app – instantly. Latest news item displayed prominently on the home screen.
Share Tools
Anyone with the app installed can send it on to a colleague via Test, Email as well as share tools for Facebook and Twitter.
Push Notifications
Push Notifications allow you to send an alert or short message to all devices that have your app installed.
The 140 character message can also link to a page on your website or a PDF.
Use Push Notifications to announce important updates, new hires, new product information, run competitions at trade expo’s.
Instant access to brokers.